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Lincoln Store Interior Can’t the writer dis­ap­pear into the work and emerge clar­i­fied? The identical is true in some sense now, in LA, but I’ve noticed that as I get old­er, I can’t com­pose new mate­r­i­al in pub­lic; I can only learn and edit there. I’m a lot the same, and for me it has to do with being an intro­vert and at all times feel­ing like I’m per­form­ing when I’m in public-and i can’t per­form and com­pose at the same time. I don’t need to go down the Foucault/Derrida/Barthes rab­bit gap right here, however from a practitioner’s per­spec­tive I won­der: can’t we have now it both methods? Per­haps for this rea­son, I don’t per­son­al­ly think of Bluets and The Arg­onauts as spo­ken by the same nar­ra­tor on a linked chrono­log­i­cal con­tin­u­um, and most cer­tain­ly not a pro­gres­sion of the identical self towards “adult­hood.” To me, they are just dif­fer­ent per­for­mances of dif­fer­ent voic­es, dif­fer­ent points, dif­fer­ent thoughts and physique areas. No, Protestants don’t consider that suicides go to hell, because there aren’t any sciprtures to support it. Are there prac­tices that feel extra cre­ative? Fragile proteins are denatured during high temperature processing to make soy protein isolate and textured vegetable protein.

Turquoise Pendant - front We cuddle, we dangle out, we make love but nonetheless no “I really like you”s I’d love to listen to it and say it extra typically but someway it simply makes me nervous. As per the quotes you’ve pulled out, I don’t like matu­ri­ty nar­ra­tives very much, or in any respect. Arg­onauts appears to reaf­firm part of the ear­li­er premise from Bluets-that the matu­ri­ty nar­ra­tive doesn’t serve. It is tempt­ing to derive some type of matu­ri­ty nar­ra­tive here: even­tu­al­ly we sober up and develop out of our rash love of inten­si­ty (i.e., purple); even­tu­al­ly we learn to love more sub­tle things with more sub­tle­ty, and so on. and so on. But my love for blue has nev­er felt to me like a matur­ing, or a refine­ment, or a set­tling. MN: I’m unsure if I’ve ever felt unable to write down. ­er­al­ly, why I write, or how I feel in a position to keep writ­ing.” But have you ever ever felt unable to jot down?

You write, usually hero­ical­ly, in opposition to the grain about moth­er­hood. Did writ­ing about moth­er­hood bring on any trep­i­da­tion? For women evidently moth­er­hood is each an imper­a­tive and some­thing they’re des­tined to fuck up. And sure, I had/ have my own mat­ro­pho­bia, which rears its head sometimes, espe­cial­ly when I’m asked to do some­thing moth­er-cen­tric in the lit­er­ary world, however I’d nev­er have let any wor­ries on that account keep me from say­ing what­ev­er I need­ed to say. They make me really feel impris­oned in a rom-com way of thinking, you realize, “This is forty.” It’s your own fuck­ing forty, I all the time feel like say­ing. And while I’ve read some evaluations of The Arg­onauts that imply or flat-out state that its speak­er seems grown up in a approach that’s tied to “becom­ing a moth­er,” I don’t purchase it. JH: To this-“I’ve learn some opinions of The Arg­onauts that imply or flat-out state that its speak­er appears grown up in a manner that’s tied to “becom­ing a moth­er”-I say, yikes.

I con­fess my own agnos­ti­cism here because after all the speak­er is a con­struc­tion, but if it wasn’t me on the web page, then why would I write? JH: Why do you sup­pose that is? JH: I’m so glad to listen to you say you don’t know what cre­ativ­i­ty is. JH: You additionally say within the Arg­onauts that writ­ing doesn’t really feel par­tic­u­lar­ly cre­ative, more clar­i­fy­ing. On the oth­er hand, it’s sil­ly to say the writ­ing is just not an arti­fact of the writer’s “true self,” even if I wouldn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly use those words. Any­way, what­ev­er bio­graph­i­cal arc there’s in one’s writ­ing is ulti­mate­ly deter­mined by one’s demise, at which level peo­ple could make up what­ev­er sto­ries alongside what­ev­er arcs they want. Does such an arc exist (and do you care whether or not it does)? Whereas sodomy between males, women and men, and men and animals was punishable by loss of life in England, acknowledgment of sexual contact between ladies was nonexistent in medical and legal texts. While groups strive to advertise lesbian points and considerations, in addition they face misogynistic attitudes from gay males and homophobic views from heterosexual women.

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